Important Announcement Admissions MBBS Session 2022-23
In compliance with the direction of Pakistan Medical Commission (Public Notice dated 24th November 2022), for the candidates who passed their HSSC Pre-Medical/equivalent exam last year (i.e. in 2021) and are now applying for admissions in medical/dental colleges for the Session 2022-23, the marks obtained by them in elective subjects only (i.e., Biology, Chemistry and Physics/Mathematics) shall be used for the purpose of calculation of their merit (Aggregate Percentage). In case of foreign qualification, the candidates shall be required to get a separate Equivalence Letter from IBCC for their grades in Science Subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Physics/Mathematics) in A Level/equivalent 12th grade foreign exam before applying for admission. It shall be the responsibility of the candidates having foreign qualifications to settle their cases with IBCC and should get equivalence certificate from IBCC for recognition of their qualification and score.