Well Done Aima Rizwan!
Aima Rizwan of ABWA Medical College’s pioneering class won the first prize in the English Declamation contest and second prize in the English Essay competition held at the University of Faisalabad, on date 25th April, 2019.
The competition, in which students from all universities, constituent colleges and medical college participated, was organized by #TECHHAWKS.
Out of the 24 Competitive events, Aima Rizwan participated in the English Declamation contest and Essay writing competition and had the distinction of securing first and second positions in them the stellar performance was not only a matter of pride for her personally but a singular honor for her Alma Mater.
Everyone at the ABWA Medical College is proud of the laurels won by Aima Rizwan. That’s the way to go. Keep the ABWA Medical College flag flying high.